- The WA Co-Funded Geophysics Program (CGP) is a competitive program offering co-funding to innovative mineral geophysical projects in Western Australia.
- Approximately $2 million in total funding available per year. Co-funding will be 50% of costs, up to $250,000 per project, supporting geophysical exploration in the mineral resources sector only.
- Applications Open Monday 3 February 2025 and Close Friday 28 February 2025.
- There is only one application period per year.
The CGP is a competitive program funded by the Western Australian Government through the Department of Energy, Mines & Industry Regulation and Safety’s (DEMIRS), Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS). It aims to provide new information on greenfields regions of the State for exploration of new mineral resources including; refining regional structures including basin or province margins, identifying geophysical anomalies under cover, and redefining regions for new deposit types, and defining target geometries and depth.
Higher preference will be given to:
- Greenfields projects;
- Regional to camp-scale projects; and
- Projects targeting critical minerals.
The EIS will allocate approximately $2 million per year to the CGP.
Co-funding amount will be 50% of the direct program costs up to a capped value of $250,000 per project. actual costs up to a capped value of $50,000 per project.
A maximum of two applications may be submitted by a single applicant/company.
To be eligible for funding, Applicants:
- must be a legal entity that can enter a legally binding Funding Agreement with the WA Government;
- are recommended to have an active Australian company number (ACN) and be registered for goods and services tax (GST);
- must hold, or have access to, a granted mining tenement in WA. Applications on pending tenements will not be accepted; and
- must provide a quote showing the estimated project cost, and indicating the availability of the contractor to conduct the survey within the Funding Term.
Projects eligible for funding must:
- comply with the Mining Act 1978 (WA);
- not be retrospective;
- be conducted on a tenement within the Venture Release Area for the Venture (see map below).

Applications should be limited to one type of geophysical survey, unless two forms of data will be collected in a single survey.
All applications must be submitted via the SmartyGrants online portal before 4:00pm Friday 28 February 2025 (AWST).
Applications should review the Program Guidelines before submitting an application.
Funding to support innovative mineral geophysical projects in Western Australia.
Co-funding will be 50% of costs, up to $250,000 per project.
3 February 2025
28 February 2025