Claire Brook
Senior Tenement Manager
Claire Brook has over 9 years experience within the mining industry, specialising in WA tenement services. 5 of these years were with the Department of Mines & Petroleum in both Meekatharra and Leonora outstations and the other 4 were spent in consultancy roles within the private sector. While I have studied and enjoyed both agriculture and horticulture, my passion has always revolved around the mining industry.
Claire will be assisting clients in Western Australia.
It’s my shout for morning tea, how do you take your coffee?
I can’t go past a soy flat white.
What is it that you do at AMETS?
I am a Tenement Manager for our Western Australian tenement portfolio and assisting with other states wherever needed.
What do you love about your position?
I enjoy the connections between myself and clientele. The trust that is developed pushes me to continue to do my best for my clients and keep their operations running smoothly from an administration stand point. I enjoy playing a small part in a much bigger picture. I also really enjoy the internal friendships that develop while working in such amazing team environments. There is always someone who has the answers if you need clarification.
How do you spend your time when you are not at AMETS?
I have two loves in life. My family and Motorsport. My family are all car and bike enthusiasts too so we spend a lot of time following every F1, MotoGP, Supercar and WRC championship.
As a family, we also have a lucky dip of places to visit around Perth (maritime museum, the zoo etc) so we draw a place out when we have free days and tick those off the bucket list as well.
What are you most grateful for?
The life and opportunities my parents gave me at an early age and the sacrifices that they made to give me an amazing upbringing. I am also grateful for my biggest achievements in life- my husband and children. Each of them have taught me how to be better today than I was yesterday, and strive to be better tomorrow than I am today.
What is your ideal holiday?
That is an easy one! It would be Europe for about 12 weeks or so, and we would follow a portion of the Formula 1 and MotoGP season around. I would need a holiday after this one to recover!
Which three things do you take to a deserted island?
My family, and endless supply of coffee and Bushman’s bugspray and sunscreen (the extra extra strength stuff). Mosquitoes come from the next suburb to have a massive party when I’m around!
What do you love most about being an Ametarian?
Do you have a favourite quote?
“Everything happens for a reason” and “Nothing is put in front of you that you cant handle”. I say these to myself and others on a regular basis and they are words I live by.
Is there anything else about working for AMETS that you think the world should know?
The dedication of AMETS to their clients is exceptional – we’re always here to make our clients’ lives a little easier.