Services Australia Wide
- Tenement monitoring and management in compliance with legislative requirements.
- Preparation and lodgements of applications, renewals and/or reductions in consultation with the client for all mining and exploration tenure.
- Creation of Tenement Location Plans, site layout plans and other mapping as required.
- Tenement review and audit.
- Preparation of submissions for variations to expenditure covenants.
- Assistance with preparation and lodgement of Mine Management Plans.
- Preparation of dealings such as transfer of tenure, registration of agreements and encumbrances.
- Management of obligations and procedures relating to Agreements under the Native Title Act.
- Annual Technical Report Preparation for all states in line with current guidelines.
- Monitoring and notification of land availability.
- Preparation and lodgement of tenement applications.
- Preparation and lodgement of Sacred Site clearance applications.
- Conduct Land Title Searches.
- Preparation of exploration proposals for Aboriginal Freehold Land.
- Negotiations with Land Councils with respect to Aboriginal Freehold Land.
- Attendance on behalf of the client to attend on country meetings with Traditional Owners.
- Preparation of landowner notice of entry.
- Liaising with landowners and preparing compensation agreements.
- Mapping – Topography maps, location plans and more.
- Creation of client specific maps to monitor ground.
- Cartography, data interpolation, presentation of spatial information, heat maps.
- Management of Joint Venture Agreements and ensuring that all requirements of the Joint Venture are met by all parties.
- Assistance with the preparation and compilation of mandatory reports and/or sourcing expert consultants.
- Mineral rights are core assets of every exploration and mining company, and the effective management of tenure is fundamental to their success.
- AMETS uses a global land management system that allows for easy and efficient management of all mineral tenure for each state in Australia and other countries.
- The database is flexible and holds a variety of information on mining and exploration titles, companies, joint venture partners, landowners, boundaries of titles, actions to be undertaken such as renewals and upcoming rents, reductions and reports, titleholder info, land information, expenditure requirements, royalties and securities lodged.
- Numerous reports or schedules are produced efficiently using the full information on a particular title, outstanding obligations or obligations due, list of tenements, renewals, reporting requirements, rents, and boundary changes.
- Assistance with interpretation of mining, extractive and exploration legislation.
- Advice on mining, environmental or land use legislation.
- Undertake Due Diligence of tenements to identify status and liabilities.
- Attendance on behalf of clients at Seminars and Conferences.
- Liaison with Government Officers, Land Councils, Traditional Owners and Pastoral Lessees.
- Secretarial services.
- Data entry.