Get to Know AMETS NT Team Leader

Holly Edgar – Principal Tenement Manager | Geologist | NT

Holly joined AMETS as a Tenement Manager in July 2010. Holly completed a Bachelor of Applied Science (Geology) from the University of Ballarat in December 2005. Prior to joining AMETS, Holly was employed as a mine geologist for Xstrata Zinc-Mount Isa Mines and Compass Resources and as a Senior Titles Officer with the titles division of the Northern Territory’s Department of Resources. Holly’s time with the titles division was spent with both the applications and titles maintenance teams, where she was able to familiarise herself with and implement the statutory requirements of Northern Territory legislative requirements and processes.

Holly is responsible for tenement management in the Northern Territory, including environmental (mining) licences, geological reporting and aboriginal freehold exploration and mining proposals.

 What do you love about your position? 

AMETS has a great working culture and provides flexible working conditions. Having great colleagues and clients also makes AMETS a great place to work.

How do you spend your time when you are not at AMETS? 

I love cocktails with friends and spending time with my husband, three cats and bouncy Boxer dog.

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