Loren Egan
Senior Tenement Manager
Loren Egan has been working in the mining industry as a QLD Tenement Manager since 2008. Throughout this time, Loren gained a valuable insight and understanding of government practices, policies and procedures, and have been able to utilise this knowledge to provide the best advice and support to my clients.
Working in a variety of roles throughout my career has enabled me to develop and enhance many transferable skills including time management, exceptional attention to detail and communication and customer service skills.
It’s my shout for morning tea, how do you take your coffee?
Long black with a splash of milk please.
What is it that you do at AMETS?
I work on a casual basis as an Admin Support Officer.
What do you love about your position?
Building a relationship with clients, the Department and my team as well as the flexibility to work from home.
How do you spend your time when you are not at AMETS?
Playing and involving my two beautiful boys in outdoor activities. Camping, bike riding, renovating, socialising and studying. Oh, and attending to the never ending pile of washing!
What are you most grateful for?
My family, friends and health.
What is your ideal holiday?
Water and sand, or bush and dirt. We love camping – lighting fires, fishing and camp oven roasts.
Which three things do you take to a deserted island?
My yacht (one can dream right? This yacht will obviously be full of food, water and beer), family and music.
What do you love most about being an Ametarian?
Definitely working with such a supportive team.
Do you have a favourite quote?
If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.
Is there anything else about working for AMETS that you think the world should know?
The AMETS team has so much experience between them and we all genuinely care about our clients.