Rachael McGuinness
Tenement Manager
Rachael McGuinness joined the AMETS team in July 2022 and brings with her many years of administration experience across a range of industries, including warehousing and transportation, advertising, media and finance.
Though this is her first foray into mining and tenement management, Rachael is looking forward to developing and enhancing her knowledge base in this area in her role as Tenement Manager for the Northern Territory.
It’s my shout for morning tea, how do you take your coffee?
Hot chocolate for me, please. Even better it it comes with marshmallows!
What is it that you do at AMETS?
I am a Tenement Manager for the NT team.
What do you love about your position?
How do you spend your time when you are not at AMETS?
Mainly with my kids and partner. Going to concerts, movies, sporting events and adventuring with the kids. The rest of the time I can be found curled up with a good book.
What are you most grateful for?
Books and music. Then my kids and family, of course.
What is your ideal holiday?
Too many to choose! I’ve never been overseas, so I have a long list of places to go and things to see.
Which three things do you take to a deserted island?
Solar powered device that holds all the books and music in the world. A comfy couch. A genie in a lamp that would grant me wishes that I could use for food and getting home.
What do you love most about being an Ametarian?
I love that I am working with a group of people who are willing to share their knowledge and help one another out. Everyone is super friendly and welcoming. Working remotely is also a huge plus because it gives a great work/life balance, while still feeling connected to my team.
Do you have a favourite quote?
“Follow your own star” – Dante Alighieri
Is there anything else about working for AMETS that you think the world should know?