Robyn Kelly
Senior Tenement Manager
Robyn Kelly brings sixteen years’ experience in exploration tenement management, primarily in the private sector where she has been responsible for assisting clients, geologists and field staff with their statutory requirements. This has included tenement administration; report production and lodgement; Native Title and Cultural Heritage agreements and liaison; and landholder agreements and communication.
During her two years in Government, Robyn was part of a team responsible for dealing directly with enquiries from customers across the minerals sector.
She holds a postgraduate certificate in Dispute Resolution from James Cook University and is committed to the establishment of mutually respectful relationships and clear communication between all stakeholders in the exploration process.
It’s my shout for morning tea, how do you take your coffee?
I’m the awkward one. A Dirty Chai if it’s on offer but I start my day with a five teabag tea, steeped overnight.
What is it that you do at AMETS?
Assist the Queensland team in the production/ lodgement of submissions and in data maintenance.
What do you love about your position?
In a word, variety. Each submission, each project is new and you learn something each day.
How do you spend your time when you are not at AMETS?
Currently removing all manner of random items from my (almost) one year old’s mouth and endeavouring to teach her the consequences of launching herself head first from heights – without incurring bruises. I have two dogs who go stir crazy without their two walks a day and when I can, I zone out and exercise to music or YouTube yoga. The less healthy version of zoning out involves large quantities of cheese and episodes of Vera. In consequence (of Vera), apologies in advance if I call people ‘pet’ at team meetings.
What are you most grateful for?
My daughter; all lively, stubborn, wilful 70cms of her. My parents who live on Magnetic Island (which is paradise off the coast of Townsville and very handy for weekends). My brother’s family in Melbourne and my friends and family scattered around the country and occasionally overseas.
What is your ideal holiday?
Any travel seems exotic in the Covid era; but introducing Tilly to her UK relatives one day is up there. Happiest wandering aimlessly through the streets of other countries or anywhere new really.
Which three things do you take to a deserted island?
Cheese, books and a thoroughly good conversationalist for when the first two run out.
What do you love most about being an Ametarian?
I love that mutual respect and teamwork are so central to everything we do. It’s a great ethic to work with.
Do you have a favourite quote?
Appearing on T-Shirts a lot lately, but always a good one to remember ‘Be Kind’. Simple, not always easy.
Is there anything else about working for AMETS that you think the world should know?
I’m excited by the addition of GIS which I think will be fantastic.