The Hon Tony Buti MLA, WA Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, has officially launched the Heritage Assistance Program in time for the reinstatement of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 on 15 November 2023. The move follows the repeal of the controversial Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 in August 2023.
About the Heritage Assistance Program
The Program provides support to the mining industry to help offset the reported increasing costs of conducting Aboriginal Heritage Surveys (AHS) throughout WA. The program will run for a period of five years and is targeted at those individuals and companies in the mining and mineral exploration industry who are actively undertaking works and incurring AHS costs.
Who can apply?
Eligible holders of exploration and prospecting licences may apply for the assistance.
What are applicants eligible for?
The holder of a prospecting licence will be able to apply for a rebate of AHS costs incurred, up to a maximum of the total of the annual rent payable on the affected tenement.
- For the first three years of the program, the holder of an exploration licence can apply for a rebate of AHS costs incurred, up to a maximum of 50 per cent of the annual rent payable on the affected tenement.
- For the last two years of the program, the holder of an exploration licence can apply for a rebate of AHS costs incurred, up to a maximum of 25 per cent of the annual rent payable on the affected tenement.
The program will be administered by Department of Mining, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) through the Form 5 Reports on expenditure of mineral exploration.
AMETS is well-positioned to offer valuable assistance in navigating these applications. If you or your organisation have any inquiries or seek support regarding the Heritage Assistance Program, please don’t hesitate to contact us as [email protected].